Assisted Living Home Care Blog
When your spouse, parents or grandparents need help, and other family members consult about it, unresolved family issues may get in the way of effective helping. Revisiting and reopening long-standing family issues of sibling rivalry, parental favoritism, and other family problems during the last months or years of a parent’s life is an easy trap to fall into.
The divide today is drawn along economic and educational lines—but also, it seems, along age lines, with seniors slower to adopt digital technology and embrace computer use. How are we doing today, a quarter century after the first personal computers arrived on the scene? Let’s take a look at the ways computers are revolutionizing the way we age in America, beginning by examining four common myths about senior adults and computers:
Concerned that a growing number of seniors have been unexpectedly forced to pay thousands of dollars for nursing home care after a stay in a hospital, Medicare has launched a pilot project to test whether relaxing its hospital payment rules could help beneficiaries.
Family Matters The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy states that “more than ever before, families are providing long-term care to older adults with limitations in the ability to perform tasks necessary for independent living. Nearly 25% of American households are providing care to people age 50 years and over. Families are often the alternative…
Older adults are at a greater risk of being injured in a fire. They may be less able to take the necessary quick action in a fire emergency. They may be taking medications that affect their ability to make decisions. Memory loss may be a factor. And seniors are more likely to be alone when…
Top Ten Things to Discuss With Your Senior Parents As you were growing up, your parents probably sat you down plenty of times for “a talk.” Is it time to reverse the process? Discussing important and very private issues with loved ones who are growing older can be a challenge. Studies show that few families…
Choosing a home healthcare provider, more often than not, is not a topic that is always discussed with your family and loved ones prior to the need for one. While one’s initial instinct might be to choose the first name that appears when you Google “in home care,” like all other good decisions, it is best to do your homework.
The difference between Medicare and Medicaid Our clients are often confused between the differences of Medicaid and Medicare. They do not know what they offer or how navigate through the two systems. CarePlanners has been a great resource in helping our clients navigate through the health care system. They have been an affordable wealth of…
At some point in our lives we may ask ourselves: “If I die and have debt, who or what will be responsible for paying back those I owe?” The laws regarding debt after death are defined by each state so there isn’t a single answer to the question above for everyone. On most occasions, the…
For many of us, along with exchanging gifts and celebrating traditions, the holidays are a time to feel the spirit of giving by sharing with the less fortunate. This year especially, the need is great and there are many fine organizations that can help ensure our gifts of money or goods get to those…
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